property insurance

Fire & Allied Peril Insurance

This is the basic Property Insurance Policy designed to cover insured properties whilst at specified locations.

The standard perils covered under this policy are Fire, Lightning, Earthquake, Storm, Tempest, Flood, Bursting & Overflowing of Water Tanks and Apparatus, Impact Damage, Aircraft Damage, Riot & Strike, Malicious Damage and Explosion. Usually a pre-underwriting inspection is engaged before providing cover.

However, the Insurer may agree to issue a Fire & Allied peril insurance without the need for physical inspection if satisfied with the information provided to assess the risk.

For more details on Fire & Allied Peril Insurance, please e-mail :

Burglary Insurance

This policy covers loss or damage to property following forcible and violent entry into or exit from the premises.

For more details on Burglary Insurance, please e-mail :

Property All Risk Insurance

This is a wider cover which provides protection for accidental physical loss or damage to insured property in addition to the above Fire & Allied Perils and Burglary Insurances.

The standard Fire & Allied peril insurance operates on the basis of a name peril insured policy which means that the event given rise to a claim under the policy should trigger from a peril which is named in the insurance policy. As opposed to a named peril policy, if the insurer is satisfied, they may issue a Property All Risk policy without the mention of perils which are sought to be covered under the insurance but with a wider wording providing protection to a range of risks reserving the ability to exclude perils which are deemed uninsurable.

These uninsurable perils & circumstances are stated by way of exclusions under the policy. In the absence of a specific exclusion stating the circumstances under which a claim may not be admitted, any other cause, event or a peril relative to the ambit of a Property All Risk insurance stated in the operating clause of the policy will be admitted and honored subject to the rest of the terms & conditions, covenants & clauses to which the insurance is made subject to. 

For more details on Property All Risk Insurance, please e-mail :

Business Interruption Insurance

This policy covers Loss of Gross Profit and continuous expenditure towards Standing Charges and reasonable Increased Cost of Working incurred to avoid the reduction in turnover following an indemnifiable loss under the underlying Fire & Allied Perils or Property All Risks Insurance Policy.

It is important to select an appropriate Indemnity Period during which the business can be restored to its pre-loss position following a loss. 

For more details on Business Interruption Insurance, please e-mail :